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Comic Con & Fun Run

Hellooo lovely people all around the world!!:-)

The last week was a bit crazy as I attended the Comic Con in London with some school friends. I have to admit that I don't know much about this whole Science fiction and Manga thing and I didn't recognize any of the comic figures...uups... But it was an unique experience because I was able to see a few insane costumes which some people wore. It was even more colourful than on Carnival! Overall it was a nice day but very crowded.

As if this weren't enough costumes, colours and freaky people in one week, our school organized an event called "Fun Run". We all had to dress up "funny" (as you might suggest from the name) and had to run a certain distance. But none of the students did the "Run" and just enjoyed the "Fun" by walking the route and talking with their neighbors. The purpose of the whole event was to raise money for poor families and buy them presents for Christmas.

This were my impressions of last week which I wanted to share with you!

Motto of this post: Bring colour into your life!!! (but don't exaggerate as I did..:-))

Evelyn X

PS: Happy Bonfire Night and Halloween! (even if it's a bit with delay..)


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