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Happy New Year and look back!

Hello everyone!

I hope that you had a great start into the New Year!

Don't panic it won't be a post in which I am going to talk about the food I ate for New Year's dinner or other not really relevant things but about my experience I've made so far. I thought that it would be the right moment as 2016 is over and with it four months of my exchange.

I want to talk especially about my impressions, feelings and my opinion about my time here in England.

First of all, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to stay in another country and to be able to get to know another culture. I suggest that everyone who read my former blog posts can agree when I say that I've gained soo many impressions and could try, do and see things I've never dreamed of! And I've just picked and shared a few events because I would never be able to write every single moment down. But this also leads to the next important point.

If you read my blog and others or you search for videos in the internet you will mostly be confronted with the perfect life of an exchange student and everything is coated in glitter, sparkle and sugar-but I can tell you for sure that anyone who is willing to go on this journey has to be able to deal with some problems and has to be conscious about the fact that he might have to leave his own comfort zone. Yes, I also felt sometimes lonely and wanted to go home. Especially over the Christmas holidays, when I had to stay at three different families, it costed me a lot of nerves and forces to settle down. But don't think that I regret my decision! No, it is the exact opposite! Every year has its up and downs and if you look back at it as a whole you will realize that the very few bad things will be covered by all the good and exciting events! I also think that if my exchange year would be perfect and without lumps and bumps I wouldn't have developed my personality. You learn how to cope with problems and how to handle a difficult situation. I feel like a different person now and more mature. I made so many new friends with whom I hopefully will stay in touch! My host family is so nice and warm and I am especially going to miss the feeling of being surrounded by their kids!:-) It is insane to think that just two and a half weeks of school are remaining until I am back in Switzerland. I don't want it to finish as I've got used to my English lifestyle and enjoy every second of school! Of course I cannot wait to see my family and to take them into my arms!!!

I hope I could give you an overall picture of a life as an exchange student and what I felt during this period of time!

I will never forget these five months and now enough of my melancholic chatter- I have still 20 days to go!

For which sentence is England well known?

Exactly - keep calm and carry on!(I'll try my best) :-)

Enjoy and fulfill all your resolutions in 2017!!

Evelyn X

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